Create A Gift Registry

Registry Details

= required
Please enter the wedding date
If the registrant goes by a different first name (i.e. nickname), please enter that above
You will use this email address to log in to your registry
Please add your Instagram account so that we may better share content with you.
Do not enter the "@".
Please do not enter "Krewe of" in the field above. The software will add this automatically on the public registry.
If the co-registrant goes by a different first name (i.e. nickname), please enter that above
Please add your Instagram account so that we may better share content with you.
Do not enter the "@".

Baby Registry Details

Registry Access

When you log in to your registry, your log in will be your email and your password.
Your password must be at least 8 characters.

Your Event's Primary Website

Please enter your event's primary website address (e.g., your website address, etc.):
Please enter your event's provider:

Gift Handling & Gift Cards

Please enter your shipping / delivery address below:
Please note: when a customer (e.g. a friend or family member) checks out, they can choose to pick up the gift in the store.


Restrict Access to Registry

You can require your family and friends to enter a password to view your registry gift list.

Please enter the password required for others to view your registry list:

If you set a password, you will need to share it with each person you wish to access the registry. They will not be able to see your gift list without it.

Please note: Requiring a password will diminish the ease of use for family and friends, and may reduce the number of gifts given.

Bridal / Wedding Shower

If "Yes," please share the date:

Picture for Your Registry

Upload your
picture »
If you are having trouble uploading a photo, please complete this form without uploading a photo. Our staff can help you upload a photo.


When this is checked:

  • Your shopping cart will display a small notice that states the gift will be given in the form of a gift card.
  • Purchases will not be charged shipping. (Shipping is not charged on gift cards.)

Incentive Bonus Programs

Start a New Registry Bonus

» Update default new registry bonus amount

Complete 5-Step Bonus

Registrant reported they added a link on:
Registrant reported they left review on:
Need help confirming the registrant completed the steps? Google the registrants  Google Logo

Redemption Period Date for Registry Credit

Style of Registry

The Ivy House's gift registry software is powered by Shop Local. I agree to Shop Local's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.